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Fanny's puppies have been allocated!

Congrats to all of our family’s and all of our Fanny puppies! We can’t wait to introduce out puppies to their new forever homes! It’s honestly the best part!

Fanny's puppies are six weeks old!

They are one week shy of being allocated to their forever family’s! How did the time fly by so quickly? Well, it probably didn’t for our family’s because they are SOOOOO excited to find out which puppy matches their family and life best!

These puppies are enjoying the nicer weather that came through this past week and are getting ready for their big temperament test next week. We are taking a lot of notes to prepare!

Fanny Mae's puppies are five weeks old!

And there is no stopping them now! They are having way too much fun as they grow into full blown puppies more each day. They are a bit more independent these days and spend a whole lot of time loving and licking Lucca! This is probably the most fun (and busy) stage for us!

Fanny Mae's puppies are four weeks old!

The four week mark always makes us giggle because it’s such a funny growth stage. The puppies have gotten chubbier, but haven’t quite stretched out yet. It reminds us of that old 2nd grade picture we get as kids where our parents made our hair too big! They are still as cute as can be and think they are full grown puppies these days. They are also getting the hang of litter box training too!!!!

Fanny Mae's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy three weeks to these gorgeous puppies! They reached a big milestone this week as they are getting introduced to softened food and fresh water this week, as well as litter box training! It seems like just yesterday they were just opening their eyes…oh yeah…they were! They grow so fast! Wish them luck on their first week of potty training!

Fanny Mae's puppies are two weeks old!

Meet our Coco Themed Letter! We had a lot of fun with this one! We are introducing these pups individually this week so you can watch them grow over the next 7 weeks! It’s honestly the best part! They are doing amazing so far, eating a ton, and have begun opening their eyes, which is pretty exhausting for a newborn pup! So they are still sleeping a lot these days.

Fanny Mae's puppies are one week old!

These gorgeous babies are already one week old! Can you believe it? They have doubled in size, have full bellies, and their momma is amazing! They spend most of their time sleeping and eating these days. We love them so much already!