Piper's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are already two weeks old and have their eyes wide open. And though they are loving all the new sights, it can be pretty exhausting developmentally, so they are napping a ton still and cuddling hard.

Fanny Mae's puppies are six weeks old!

Such cute faces and nice demeanours..These puppies are so sweet and so smart. They love people, cuddles and giving licky kisses..I know their new families will immediately fall in love with them!!

Piper's puppies are one week old!

These gorgeous pups are already one week old and have grown so much over the past week! They spend most of their days gently piled up on one another, finding the most sweet cuddle spots until their next feeding. They are in love with their momma and each other, and the milk.

Cindy Lou's puppies have been allocated!

These beautiful puppies have been allocated to their new forever families! We are so excited for the pups, our amazing families, and we can’t wait to meet you all at puppy pick up this weekend!

Fanny Mae's puppies are five weeks old!

Such sweet natured puppies with delightful personalities! You might say they are like a playful morning breeze…with a hint of mischievousness!

Fanny Mae's puppies are four weeks old!

This week marks the half way point for these little ones at Koocanusa. They are certainly doing well and learning so quickly…they love their 3 meals a day with bonus Mama milk. The litter box is being used often and they are enjoying being held and cuddled. Yes, their little black tails are wagging all the time!

Cindy Lou's puppies are six weeks old!

These babies are already six weeks old and it’s getting busier every day! They are romping around a lot these days, enjoying the beautiful weather and their new found independence. Mom’s still overseeing things and staying close, but she is enjoying a little more freedom and “me time” too. Just in time for spring!

Fanny Mae's puppies are three weeks old!

Big changes at Koocanusa…Fanny Mae's puppies have moved! They are now in the kitchen, with a hub of activity going on…They have had their first taste of real food and quite like it, even tho their first choice is still Mama milk.They aren’t quite sure what the puppy litter is for, but will soon catch on….big adventures ahead for these little sweetums.

Cindy Lou's puppies are five weeks old!

These babes are 5 weeks old and got their first dose of Vitamin D this week! They are catching those sun rays for today’s photo shoot. So happy that spring weather is coming in and the pups will get a little more time outside very soon. The great outdoors does wonders for a puppies development, because of all the new sights and sounds and smells. They LOVE it.

Fanny Mae's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous pups are already 2 weeks old! Can you believe it? They are still pretty sleepy these days. They mostly nap and drink momma’s milk and stay really close together for long cuddle sessions. No social distancing for these little guys!

Cindy Lou's puppies are four weeks old!

These puppies have reached their half way home mark and are really growing their personalities these days. We are just in love with their cuddles and the way they are beginning to get more playful too. The next few weeks are going to be so much fun!

Fanny Mae's puppies are one week old!

One week has passed since these little sugar plums arrived. They have had a great week, eating and sleeping with Mama FannyMae. Fanny is a first time mom but does her job of looking after her family like a pro!

Cindy Lou's puppies are three weeks old!

These puppies are already three weeks old and are getting more energy each day! They are toddling around now, practicing being on all fours, but taking lots of naps in between as they learn and grow. Their colours are absolutely gorgeous and we can’t wait to start seeing their personalities start to shine through soon. They are going to be introduced to softened kibble and fresh water starting this week, as well as introduced to the litter box. Though they will still prefer momma’s milk, their growth will sky rocket soon and they will need mom a little less each week so she can finally have a little “me time” here and there.

Cindy Lou's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are already two weeks old! Can you believe it? They are growing so much every moment and after each nap, they are a little bigger. With full bellies and sunshine, these puppies are pretty content. Cindy is the best momma ever and is making sure they are clean, full, and happy.

Libby's puppies have been allocated!

Congrats to all our families and our Libby pups! We are so excited for our puppies to meet their new families later this week and see all the melting hearts and wiggly bums! This is one of our favourite parts on raising puppies! Seeing all the smiling and happy tears of families after they waited so long for that moment to come!

Cindy Lou's puppies are one week old!

These gorgeous puppies are already one week old, and wow, was it the coldest first week ever! Not for them though - they were cuddled up together with mom, having fresh warm milk and staying cozier than ever! They are so sweet and Cindy Lou is being an incredible momma. She is by their side day and night and getting lots of rest and ALL.THE.FOOD We love them so much already!

Libby's puppies are six weeks old!

Libby’s puppies are first class..such charmers they are! They are really confident, bright and full of passion to take on each day..Next week is temperament testing time and you can bet these babies with do very well!

Libby's puppies are five weeks old!

These little babies are just beaming with life! They love people, love cuddles and love to give licky kisses. Such a fun loving little group of sweethearts...

Libby's puppies are four weeks old!

These puppies are at the half way point of being here at Koocanusa …before we know it ,these little adorables will be off for new adventures, but right now they are enjoying their home in the kitchen. There is a hub bub of activity and they are happy with the socializing each day..lots of changes and lots of fun!

Libby's puppies are three weeks old!

Three weeks old and certainly ready for some solids added to their diets. Along with mom’s delicious milk these little folks are going to be growing like weeds. They are in a bigger pen now so that they can explore the world around them and interact with each other...