Cindy Lou's puppies are one week old!

These babes are already 1 week old! Can you believe it? They are doing amazing and passed through this first week with flying colours. Cindy is keeping their belly’s warm and full and making sure they are cleaned and cozy for their all-day nap fests!

They are sleeping lots these days because they are growing SOOO much and the world…well, it can be pretty overwhelming for a new puppy. They’ll open their eyes next week though and open up another milestone!

Libby's puppies have been allocated!

This is always the hard part! Saying goodbye to these beautiful puppies we’ve spent the last 8 weeks raising! But it’s also our favourite part too. We get to introduce each family to their puppy and watch the bond begin between both.

There are always lots of squeals, happy tears, and wiggly bums on these days and we can’t wait to introduce the puppy’s to their forever family!

Stella's puppies are one week old!

Happy Halloween dear families! We’ve been cuddling lots here lately! There is a lot of growing that happens in the first couple of weeks, so the puppies spend most of their time sleeping, cuddling, and eating.

Stella is just a wonderful momma and is always close by, cleaning up her puppies and ensuring that they are happy with full bellies.

I apologize for the delay in this update, as I have been dealing with an ear infection and am trying to rest almost as much as these puppies!

Fanny's puppies have been allocated!

Congrats to all of our family’s and all of our Fanny puppies! We can’t wait to introduce out puppies to their new forever homes! It’s honestly the best part!

Kimi's puppies are six weeks old!

Well look at these puppies! They are basically full grown puppies now and loving life these days. They have been enjoying the sunshine the last couple of days and exploring the great outdoors.

In just one week, we will start temperament testing and will allocate them to their forever families! Can you believe how fast time flies? Well, it’s probably felt like forever for each family! But it seems like just yesterday, they were born.

When we have smaller litters like this, we get a little attached! They are just so darn cute and cuddly.

Libby's puppies are six weeks old!

These babes are six weeks old already! They totally have the hang of being a big puppy. They almost don’t need mama’s milk bar anymore and have switched over to real life puppy chow! Oh, and potty training is pretty much there already with the wooden pellets!

They are having a blast right now, bouncing around when the day is at it’s nicest outside and basically doing a good ol’ fashion puppy pile on us every day! They’ve even got the hang of their voice (bark) LOL!

By this time next week, our family’s will know which puppy tested perfect for them! We’ve been taking a lot of notes to prepare for allocations!

And for our family’s waiting to hear these updates most, I appreciate your patience and send my apologies for the delay in this update as I have been out of commission with a terrible inner ear infection.

Kimi's puppies are five weeks old!

Five weeks old and loving the outdoors! These puppies have made it all the way to “think they are much bigger than they actually are” town. LOL! They are so sweet.

We really love when there are only a few puppies in a litter because we get to know them even more intimately. And we may even get a little too attached. But who can help it?! They’ve got the hang of puppyhood now and Kimi is able to take a lot more time to herself these days. She is always close by, but we think we is enjoying this stage a lot!

Fanny's puppies are six weeks old!

They are one week shy of being allocated to their forever family’s! How did the time fly by so quickly? Well, it probably didn’t for our family’s because they are SOOOOO excited to find out which puppy matches their family and life best!

These puppies are enjoying the nicer weather that came through this past week and are getting ready for their big temperament test next week. We are taking a lot of notes to prepare!

Libby's puppies are five weeks old!

It’s hard to believe that these puppies are already five weeks old! And there is no stopping them now! Going potty in their litter box? Check! Eating Softened Kibble like a big pup? Check! Bouncing around the entire house like cute, chubby puppies? CHECK! We love them so much and this is where the fun begins!

Fanny Mae's puppies are five weeks old!

And there is no stopping them now! They are having way too much fun as they grow into full blown puppies more each day. They are a bit more independent these days and spend a whole lot of time loving and licking Lucca! This is probably the most fun (and busy) stage for us!

Kimi's puppies are four weeks old!

These puppies have reached their halfway to home milestone! That’s right, they are already 4 weeks old! Can you believe it? Their bodies aren’t quite as tall as they are wide and they are so very cute to watch as they pounce back and forth during play!

They are getting the hang of potty training and are really loving the kibble! And Kimi is happy to get a little more “me time” each day, but she is always close by and offering the milk bar when ever the puppies need her!

Libby's puppies are four weeks old!

How are these gorgeous puppies already 4 weeks old? Our jaw is dropping at how cute their coats and markings are! What a crazy range in colours, hey?

We love each and every one of them and are having a lot of fun with these puppies at this age. They can’t quite run like a big pup yet, but watching their little pudgy bodies try, it probably our favourite thing ever. They are giving mom a little more “me time” these days as they eat more softened kibble. And potty training in the litter box is coming right a long. Sometimes they miss the mark, but they are getting the hang out it.

Fanny Mae's puppies are four weeks old!

The four week mark always makes us giggle because it’s such a funny growth stage. The puppies have gotten chubbier, but haven’t quite stretched out yet. It reminds us of that old 2nd grade picture we get as kids where our parents made our hair too big! They are still as cute as can be and think they are full grown puppies these days. They are also getting the hang of litter box training too!!!!

Kimi's puppies are three weeks old!

And just like that! They’re three weeks old! Can you believe it? This week is a huge developmental week for them because they will begin learning how to eat softened kibble, drinking fresh water, and even starting to litter box train! ALL by the age of 3 weeks old.

Now, they aren’t going to be pros from day one, but this time next week they are going to be so big and chubby, and mom will have had a little “me time” here and there. They will still prefer the milk bar, but at least she can get a nap in by herself a little more often.

Libby's puppies are three weeks old today!

Aren’t each of their coats and markings so unique!? We are in love and if we are being honest…we’d like to keep every single one of them! We know, we know - keeping and raising 7 puppies would be a hard thing to do, but they are just so stinking cute.

We know our family’s that are waiting will fall in love with any of these chubby guys. They are reaching a big milestone this week because they are doing to start potty training, as well as get introduced to softened kibble and freshwater.

Mommy will keep feeding them from the milk bar, but she is going to enjoy the break as their little teeth begin to really come in.

Fanny Mae's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy three weeks to these gorgeous puppies! They reached a big milestone this week as they are getting introduced to softened food and fresh water this week, as well as litter box training! It seems like just yesterday they were just opening their eyes…oh yeah…they were! They grow so fast! Wish them luck on their first week of potty training!

Kimi's puppies are two weeks old!

How stinking cute are these puppies?! Two weeks old and eyes wide open, though the world is a lot to take in these days so they snooze a whole lot more than they are awake. Their other favorite past times are eating and cuddling!

Libby's puppies are two weeks old!

These babes are already two weeks old! Can you believe it? They are so sweet and cuddly, with eyes wide open these days. They don’t stay open for long as the world can be an exhausting place to see when you are a newborn little puppy. =] We love them so much and their markings are phenomenal!

Kimi's puppies are one week old!

There may only be three puppies in this litter, but the cuteness factor is at 1000! We are in love with these adorable, chunky little pups and so is Momma Kimi! They are spending their days eating, sleeping, and cuddling. And if we are being honest….that’s probably the dream right there!

Fanny Mae's puppies are two weeks old!

Meet our Coco Themed Letter! We had a lot of fun with this one! We are introducing these pups individually this week so you can watch them grow over the next 7 weeks! It’s honestly the best part! They are doing amazing so far, eating a ton, and have begun opening their eyes, which is pretty exhausting for a newborn pup! So they are still sleeping a lot these days.