Lulubean's puppies have been allocated!

These gorgeous puppies are heading home to their forever families this weekend and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce them to each of their families. This is the best part for us because we get to see all the magic and love that starts forming from the moment we put their puppy into their arms for the first time.

It’s a day full of wiggly bums, wagging tails, and happy tears!

Libby's puppies are one week old!

These beautiful puppies really wowed us with their colouring! Ranger is our brand new stud and we’re already IN LOVE with what he is bringing to the table. They’ve made it to their one week mark already. Time really flys when you spend your entire day sleeping, hey? These pups have had a big week, from birth to learning how to eat, and wriggling around to get as close as possible to each other for cuddles. They are doing amazing and so is momma Libby!

Fanny's puppies are one week old!

These babies are already one week old! Time goes pretty fast for these puppies since they sleep essentially ALL OF THE TIME! The first week is a pretty exhausting one for them because the world is quite a big place. They spend their day eating, sleeping, and pooping. They wriggle around to get as close to each other and momma as possible because they love a warm place to cuddle.

Lulu Bean's puppies are six weeks old!

It’s the six-week milestone for Lulu Bean’s gorgeous puppies! Time is flying these days and these pups are really coming into their personalities this week. They are officially full-blown puppies and are super independent and don’t need their momma quite as much now. Their chubby bellies (and their growth spurts) are letting us know that they enjoy the softened puppy chow and they are pretty much hitting the mark on potty training most of the time too!

We are taking a lot of notes to prepare for temperament testing next week and begin the allocation process for our families. It’s an exciting time and we know they are just excited as we are to find out which puppy matched best with them.

Lulu Bean's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are five weeks old and basically almost total pros at puppyhood! They’ve got the hang of leg/body coordination and are feeling a whole lot more confident in their running and hopping around during play. They are also really digging the softened puppy chow and hardly miss the litter box.

This is when it gets fun! They are more confident, vocal, and their personalities are starting to shine through a little more each day.

Lulu Bean's puppies are four weeks old!

Happy halfway home mark to our gorgeous Lulu Bean puppies! This is the fun age for sure! We like to compare it to those cute, awkward Grade 2 photos you get in grade school. You know the ones! These pups aren’t quite sure what to do with their bodies and legs, but they sure are cute as they try and figure it out. They are also getting the hang of eating softened kibble and litter training already! All in all, it’s going pretty darn good here.

Lulu Bean's puppies are three weeks old!

These little babies have reached their three week milestone already! They are little junior puppies in training to be big pups in a couple of weeks, so for now they are being introduced to some yummy softened kibble, fresh water, and litter box training. Now, they won’t know much about those right away, but by this time next week they will be getting the hang of it!

They are so sweet at this age because they are just figuring out how those legs actually work to get them to where they want to go, so it’s honestly such a cute stage watching them learn and develop!

Lulu Bean's puppies are two weeks old!

Welp, these babies have officially made it to their two-week milestone and they are eyes wide open now! Well, almost open. The world is a big, mysterious place for a new puppy, so they are getting a lot of rest in between glimpses of the world around them.

Luckily, the world around them right now is a cozy bed with their mommy. Oh, and those big people that cuddle with them every day! Each day is a huge day in development for puppies at this age and by this time next week, they will be introduced to softened kibble.

Luna's puppies have been allocated!

These babes have officially been allocated to their forever families! We are so excited to introduce them this weekend. This is our favorite part and it’s a day full of new bonds, wiggly bums, and happy tears!

Bonnie's puppies have been allocated!

These babes have officially been allocated to their forever families! We are so excited to introduce them this weekend. This is our favorite part and it’s a day full of new bonds, wiggly bums, and happy tears!

Bonnies puppies are six weeks old!

These babies are six weeks old now and have become quite the pros at full blown puppyhood! We are having a whole lotta fun these days and taking so many notes as we get ready for temperament testing this weekend.

We know they are going to ace it because we’ve been working with them developmentally since the day they were born. Our families are really excited to find our which puppy matched best with them and I think our puppies are just as excited to find that out too.

Luna's puppies are six weeks old today!

These gorgeous cuddle bugs have made it to their 6-week mark, which means it’s official! They are puppy pros and we are officially temperament testing the weekend after next. We know our families can hardly wait, and neither can we! We are taking a lot of notes to get ready too.

Each day they become more confident and it’s so fun to watch. This is our last update before we test, so hang tight everyone and watch out for the emails the evening of February 12th!

Bonnie's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are already five weeks old and we couldn’t be prouder or more smitten.

They are getting the hang of puppyhood and loving all the fun romping around they can do now! They still knock right out after about 25 minutes of running around because it’s pretty exhausting playing so hard. We know it’s time to put them back to bed when they all simultaneously lay down wherever they are after a big play with Lucca.

Their personalities are shining through a little more each day and we can’t wait for temperament testing in a couple weeks. We know our families are just as excited as we are about the big allocation day.

Luna's puppies are five weeks old!

These puppies have toddled their way right into the 5 week mark and they are feeling pretty confident about it. They are nailing the litter box training, loving their softened kibble and basically little puppy pros these days.

Their little personalities are coming through a little more each day too, so we are really starting to get to know them individually these days!

Bonnie's puppies are four weeks old!

Well this has to be the sweetest little litter! These pups have made it to their four week milestone. That means they are getting the hang of eating their softened kibble, litter box training, and even figuring out how those little legs work. They are bouncing around happily more these days, and only clumsy about half of the time!

We are in love with their snuggles and so excited to start seeing their little personalities begin to develop. Things get really fun around here at the halfway to home mark, that’s for sure!

Lulu's puppies are six weeks old!

It’s the six-week-old milestone this week and we couldn’t be more proud of these babies! They are living the dream these days and are feeling quite proud and confident of themselves. They are pros at potty training, eating their kibble more than they are drinking momma’s milk, and are one week away from their big temperament test! We are taking a lot of notes and getting a ton of playtime in the kitchen with these guys!

Luna's puppies are four weeks old!

We are loving life with four week old puppies! We always laugh at this age because they are in such an awkward growth stage. Their legs are as long as their body is wide! It’s the “Grade 2 photo” for puppies. They are getting the hang of eating kibble and potty training and slowly figuring out how those legs work together to do a full toddling run! WE CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF THEM!

Bonnie's puppies are three weeks old!

These pups have made it to their three week milestone and are well on their way to being full-grown puppies! They are trying to figure out how those legs work with their tubby little bodies, but they are getting the hang of it more each day.

They are going to be introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even LITTER BOX TRAINING this week! That’s right! They are so smart already, and literally go from opening their eyes one week to learning the puppyhood trade the very next week.

They won’t know exactly what to do with all those new things just yet, but by this time next week, they will be getting the hang of it!

Lulu Belle's puppies are five weeks old!

These pups are strutting their way right into the five week mark! They are basically professional puppies now, with eating the big pup food and littler training.

They have finally got the hang of how those legs work with that chunky little body and they are off to the races in the house everyday! And yep, you guessed it, they pass out wherever they are once they’ve played themselves out!

All in all, it’s starting to get REALLY fun (and smelly) here!

Cali's puppies are heading home!

And just like that, these gorgeous pups have been allocated to their forever families! How did the time pass so quickly?! Well, it probably didn’t for our families who have been waiting a few months, thats for sure!

But the time is here and we will be introducing our pups to their forever families today. This is honestly one of our most favourite days too! There will be a ton of happy tears, wiggly bums, and bonds that begin and we can’t wait!