Duchess's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies have reached their 2 week milestone! That’s right, they are eyes wide open, or more like eyes trying to open wide this week. They grow really quickly and need a lot of rest these days, so they are still mostly napping the days away with momma, eating on demand, and cuddling close.

They sure are cute though, aren’t they? It’s hard to believe by this time next week they will be toddling around, being introduced to softened kibble, and even litter box training.

Bailey's puppies are four weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies have made it to their halfway home milestone! Yup, we can hardly believe it ourselves. Time goes by fast when you spend your days cuddling with puppies. These pups are doing well with potty training and eating their softened kibble, though they still like momma’s milk.

Bailey is getting a little longer stretches of “me time” and we think she might be enjoying the extra quiet time here and there. We are so proud of them and they are pretty proud of themselves too. It’s getting a little more fun and rowdy here too, as the puppies have a little more energy to play throughout the day!

Penelope's pup is six weeks old!

This gorgeous parti pup was posing well for us today on this six week milestone! Isn’t he the absolute cutest with those markings? We are having so much fun getting to know him more each day as his personality are shining through big time these days.

Duchess's puppies are one week old!

These puppies are already one week old! And boy, how they’ve grown into such chunky little pups! They have some BIG appetites that’s for sure. And so does Duchess! She is such a wonderful mommy.

They spend most of their days eating, sleeping, and cuddling these days. It’s been a big week for them and next week they will start opening their eyes for the first time.

Bailey's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy three weeks to these sweet little puppies! They are officially eyes wide open and finally have the energy to explore all the new things they are seeing these days. Lots of naps in between of course.

They are officially getting introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training this week and we know they are going to NAIL IT…eventually! By this time next week, they will be well on their way to being puppy pros.

Penelope's pup is five weeks old!

Welcome to junior puppyhood! This little guy is finally starting to show some personality and we can honestly say the singletons have funniest personalities ever.

Now these qualities will change every single day as he gets exposed to more and more new things over the coming weeks. He will continue to meet a few more people here and there, explore new territory, and develop out his confidence with every week that passes.

Bailey's puppies are two weeks old!

Bailey's puppies are two weeks old!

Happy two weeks to our Bailey puppies! They are chunky little pups, that’s for sure! They have grown so much since the last week and are starting to open their eyes!

But they sleep a lot more than they are awake these days because life of a growing puppy is hard work. They regularly pile on top of one another and cuddle close with momma for milk.

We’ve given this litter an Outlander theme. Can ya tell?

Frannie's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous pups were posing well for us today on their six week milestone! Aren’t they the absolute cutest? They got to enjoy the grand outdoors this week for the very first time and are having an absolute blast! We love getting to know them more each day as their personalities are shining through big time these days.

We are already taking a ton of notes to prepare for temperament testing next week and we can’t wait to see how they do and, more importantly, see which family matches best with each of them.

You may notice that we swapped J.K. Rowling (Girl) with Jeff Kinney (Boy) as we mixed up their similar colouring and marking. They are correct now!

Penelope's pup is four weeks old!

This little guy has reached his halfway home milestone. He is eating their softened kibble like little puppy pros and enjoying the fresh water! He is getting the hang of the litter training as well, but he will get a little better each day.

He spent the weekend getting all the cuddles and are loving all the laughter that comes with those cuddles. All in all, we’d say it’s going pretty amazing!

Bailey's puppies are one week old!

Bailey's puppies are one week old!

These babes are already 1 week old! Can you believe it? They are doing amazing and passed through this first week with flying colours. Bailey is keeping their belly’s warm and full and making sure they are cleaned and cozy for their all-day nap fests!

They are sleeping lots these days because they are growing SOOO much and the world…well, it can be pretty overwhelming for a new puppy. They’ll open their eyes next week though and open up another milestone!

Frannie's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are already five weeks old and we couldn’t be prouder or more smitten.

They are getting the hang of puppyhood and loving all the fun romping around they can do now! They still knock right out after about 25 minutes of running around because it’s pretty exhausting playing so hard. We know it’s time to put them back to bed when they all simultaneously lay down wherever they are after a big play with Ollie and Margot.

Their personalities are shining through a little more each day and we can’t wait for temperament testing in a couple weeks. We know our families are just as excited as we are about the big allocation day.

Penelope's pup is three weeks old!

This little solo pup is officially three weeks old and very spoiled. With all the attention and milk on him, he knows just how special he really is. Penelope and him have a strong bond and quietly cuddle close every single day. He is a bundle of joy and we are in love with him!

Frannie's puppies are four weeks old!

These gorgeous pups have officially made it to their halfway home milestone! Their personalities are really starting too shine through right now, and they are even really practicing having BIG voices.

They enjoyed romping around during the photo shoot today too. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, they are acing the whole potty training and eating fresh kibble thing. We’re couldn’t be more proud of them!

Penelope's pup is two weeks old!

Diesel is one spoiled guy as the only pup for Penelope. He is a gorgeous chocolate tricoloured pup and we are obsessed with him over here. He is doing very well and is getting all the milk and cuddles a pup could ask for. His eyes are beginning to open too!

Frannie's puppies are three weeks old!

And my oh my, what gorgeous coats they have! We are absolutely in love with the way their markings are showing up. They are honestly such a cute litter! They are also doing amazing developmentally and growing more and more each day. Their eyes have opened fully and they are spending a little more time awake each day.

This week is a huge milestone for them as they will be introduced to softened puppy kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training! They won’t ace it on day one, but by this time next week they will be a bit more independent and comfortable with the new food and getting the hang of litter box training.

Frannie is one proud momma too!

Maisie's puppies are heading home!

These gorgeous pups are heading home this weekend and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce them to their forever families! Those first moments are full of happy tears, wiggly bums, and a whole lot of kisses and we LIVE for those moments. 🥰

Frannie's puppies are 2 weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies made it to their 2 week milestone! They are starting to open their eyes more each day and are getting a bigger glimpse of the world around them.

But the world is a bit overwhelming for brand new eyes, so they are still napping a ton each day, in between eating and finding the perfect spot to cuddle in.

By this time next week, they will have their eyes wide open and be moving around a little more, using all fours!

Maisie's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous cuddle bugs have made it to their 6-week mark, which means it’s official - they are puppy pros and we are officially temperament testing the weekend after next. We know our families can hardly wait to find out which puppy matched best for them, and neither can we! We are taking a lot of notes to get ready for the big day. Each day, the pups become more confident and it’s so fun to watch. 

This is our last update before we test, so hang tight everyone and watch out for the allocation news in your email the evening of March 31st! 

On a fun note, Maisie and her pups got a visit from Maisie’s guardian family and she couldn’t have been more excited to see them and show off all her puppies. 🥰🥰

Frannie's puppies are 1 (and a half) weeks old!

Frannie's puppies are 1 (and a half) weeks old!

We apologies for the delay in these updates as it’s been quite busy around here with all the snow dumps of third winter.

However, we’re excited to show off these gorgeous pups and the cuteness factor is at 1000! We are in love with them and so is Momma Frannie! They are growing quite quickly right now so they are spending their days eating, sleeping, and cuddling. And if we are being honest….that’s probably the definition of living the dream right there!

Maisie's puppies are five weeks old!

Maisie's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are five weeks old and basically almost total pros at puppyhood! They’ve got the hang of leg/body coordination and are feeling a whole lot more confident in their running and hopping around during play. They are also really digging the softened puppy chow and hardly miss the litter box (for pooping atleast).

This is when it gets fun! They are more confident, vocal, and their personalities are starting to shine through a little more each day. We’re hoping that with all the sunshine, we’re able to let them hang outside soon so they can meet the great outdoors.