Puppy Blog — Prairie Doodles Labradoodles

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Diva's puppies are six weeks old!

At 6 weeks these little sweethearts are enjoying life each day as they explore their little world.  In a couple weeks they will experience so many more new sights & sounds as they move in with their new family. We know that they will be ready to bring lots of joy in the years ahead and be such good companions and great additions to any family.



Diva's puppies turned one week old today!

On January 26th, Diva & Wilbur welcomed their family of five munchkins...four girls and one creamy apricot boy.  These little puppies have turned into little chubbykins, gaining weight nicely from mama's rich milk. They spend their day in our bedroom, eating, sleeping and cuddling with mama. We look forward to next week as their eyes and ears open to the big world around them! Thanks for stopping by to check out their milestone!
