Can you believe these gorgeous pups are already three weeks old?! How did that happen. Can you tell which pups had just finished eating? A few of them had to take a snack break from today’s photo shoot and came back so sleepy they couldn’t even hold up those cute little heads.

We are in love them them so much and the kids are cuddling with each individual puppy every single day, so they are getting a lot of love and experiencing new things all of the time. This week is actually a pretty big one because they will be introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even begin litter box training! Yup, they are that smart. A lot will be happening over the next week or two, as the pups will learn the meanings of various postures and the affect it has on their mother and littermates. They will also begin exploring what barking and other vocalizations mean and finding their voices.
