Ginny's puppies are four weeks old!

These gorgeous pups have reached their halfway home milestone! Four weeks old is a huge week for the puppies.

They are developing more independence as they get used to eating softened kibble, drinking fresh water, and starting to use the litter box. Ginny is getting more breaks these days, but she stay close by to top their chunky bellies off with some warm milk if they are whining for you.

They have a bit more energy these days too and they aren’t quite sure what to do with it! Their bodies are a bit bigger than their head and their legs haven’t quite caught up yet because they are growing so fast.

We always giggle at this stage because it’s such an awkward time in their growth. Think Grade 2 photos! Haha. We love them so much already and are excited to see their personalities start shining through.

Cindy Lou's puppies are six weeks old!

How did that happen?! These cuties are just one week shy of temperament testing, which is when we test them individually in new and familiar settings, with a stranger, as well as the person who has handled them most! We will get a little snapshot into their personalities, learn all about their confidence, resilience, and energy levels, as well as what motivates them the most for training.

Any guesses?

It’s PRAISE! Some are swayed by the treats we use, but most of our puppies are praise-motivated. This makes for a super loyal pup who will be your best sidekick for life. Treats are still appreciated though! LOL.

They are ace-ing puppyhood too! They love their softened kibble, drinking freshwater (and playing in it), and even potty training! We couldn’t be prouder of these pups!

Carson's puppies are four weeks old!

And just like that, they’ve reached their halfway home milestone! They have a bit more energy these days and love to romp around with the kiddos, though they aren’t quite sure on how those legs run! It’s still quite cute to watch!

They are getting the hang of potty training now too! Can you believe it? We always giggle at the four week mark because the puppies are in such an awkward growth stage, their bodies are still quite chunky and their legs aren’t quite long enough, and they head is trying to catch up with their body!

It’s sort of like your Grade two photo in school! 😂

Stella's puppies are six weeks old!

How did that happen?! We have had such a blast with these babies and love watching them bounce around happily with the kiddos for longer and longer play sessions each day!

They sure are big these days. They have really grown into their personalities and by this time next week, we will be temperament testing them to find out which puppy matches best with each of their family’s!

Taking pictures is a little tougher these days as they like to tackle the phone and play more during the photoshoot, but it’s so darn cute to watch!

Callie's puppies are two weeks old!

These sweet little pups are two weeks old. They are pretty sleepy these days because growing into a full blown puppy is tough work!

They prefer quiet, cuddly time with mom these days and spend most of their time napping in between hitting the milk bar. They are just so sweet!

Ginny's puppies are three weeks old!

And my oh my, what gorgeous coats they have!

We are absolutely in love with the way their markings are showing up. They are honestly such a cute litter! They are also doing amazing developmentally and growing more and more each day. Their eyes have opened fully and they are spending a little more time awake each day.

This week is a huge milestone for them as they will be introduced to softened puppy kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training! They won’t ace it on day one, but by this time next week they will be a bit more independent and comfortable with the new food and getting the hang of litter box training.

Ginny is one proud momma too!

Carson's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy Three Weeks old to Carson’s puppies! They are pretty darn chunky these days and are wobbling around a lot more these days. They’ve definitely hit the motherland when it comes to the milk bar and have been spoiled rotten with a momma who just can’t get enough of them.

They will be introduced to softened puppy kibble, fresh water and even potty training in a litter box this week! This is a huge step in their development as they slowly gain more independence from mom over the next more weeks!

These days they are still mostly cuddling, sleeping, and then eating! Oh, and they are getting way more cuddle time with the kiddos too!

Cindy Lou's puppies are five weeks old!

How in the world have these little cuties turned 5 weeks old already? They are doing amazing and have gotten so big! They are feeling pretty confident in their personalities these days too.

They can eat the softened puppy kibble like pros now and are doing really well with litter box training too! We are already seeing little personality traits shine through and are diligently taking notes to as we gear up to temperament test in a couple of weeks.

These are the fun days now for the kiddos too!

Stella's puppies are five weeks old!

Happy Five Weeks Old to our Stella puppies!

They are officially old enough to romp around the house regularly! They tucker out after about 30 minutes and then fall asleep wherever they are sitting, which is honestly the cutest thing ever. So the kids like to have big ol’ romp sessions a few times a day with the puppies!

This is when it gets really fun for us! They are coming more into their personalities more each day and we are taking notes as we go, which helps us continue working on development as we gear up temperament testing in a couple of weeks.

Ginny's puppies are two weeks old!

And boy are they ever CHUNKY! These little cuties know how to eat, let us tell ya.

And who’d blame em? It’s all they can really do at this age besides sleep, poop, and cuddle. Growing is awfully exhausting on a two week old pup! And even more so when their eyes are starting to open and they start seeing the world around them.

We are enjoying their little cute noises as they roll about trying to cuddle even close or find momma’s milk bar.

Carson's puppies are two weeks old!

Happy two weeks to our Carson puppies! They are chunky little pups, that’s for sure! They have grown so much since the last week and are starting to open their eyes!

But they sleep a lot more than they are awake these days because life of a growing puppy is hard word. They regularly pile on top of one another and cuddle close with momma for milk.

They are so sweet and sleepy and the kids just love sitting in the pen and giving sweet kisses to these babies.

Cindy Lou's puppies are four weeks old!

These beauties have reached their half way to home milestone! That’s right, they are almost full grown puppies! How did that happen?

They are getting the hang of puppyhood though. They love their softened kibble, fresh water, and are even mostly nailing the litter box training.

Momma Cindy is getting a bit more time to herself these days too! She is still always close by for cuddles and to top off their mealtime with a little milk, but she is enjoying more “me time” when she gets it in.

The kiddos are also having SO MUCH FUN with the cuddles, kisses and little mini romps with puppies around the house. Their coats are getting more and more gorgeous too!

Stella's puppies are four weeks old!

The four week mark is a funny stage for puppies. Think Grade 2 photo in school. They are growing a ton, but their chubby bodies are a bit bigger than their legs and head and they are beginning to bounce around a whole lot more these days.

They are nailing the potty training and mostly make it there to take care of business. And they are LOVING their softened kibble.

Momma is getting a lot more time to herself as well, but she is always close by for a cuddle and to top them off with milk when they ask for it.

They are starting to come more into their personalities as well, are more engaged in play with us, and absolutely love cuddles with the kids.

Stella’s guardian family came out to see her tonight and she couldn’t have been more excited to see them! We honestly couldn’t give so many wonderful family’s puppies without our guardian homes and are beyond grateful for them loving our doggies so much.

Ginny's puppies are one week old!

These puppies are already one week old! And boy, how they’ve grown into such chunky little pups! These puppies have some good appetites that’s for sure. And so does Ginny! This is her very first litter and she is such a wonderful mommy.

They spend most of their days eating, sleeping, and cuddling these days. It’s been a big week for them and next week they will start opening their eyes for the first time.

Did we mention we are in LOVE with their markings?!

Carson's puppies are one week old!

Whelp, it’s office! Carson’s puppies are already one week old. Time flies when you are sleeping ALL DAY LONG! These babes are getting all the rest while they continue to learn more about the world around them.

They are basically staying close to momma, each other, and the milk all day these days. Carson is such a good mommy as well and is just loving all the cuddles. She is so proud too!

Sharing the puppy’s with the kiddos and letting them come by the puppy bed for frequent hugs and kisses.

Cindy Lou's puppies are three weeks old!

These puppies are wobbling their way right into puppyhood! They are eye wide open this week and started to figure out those 4 things called legs now. Growing is pretty exhausting, so these babes still catch a ton of shut eye in between the snuggles with momma, eating and yes, pooping.

This is a big week because they will be introduced to softened kibble this week, along with fresh water, and even get introduced to the litter training.

It’ll take them a week or so to really get onto those things, but this is a huge week developmentally for them and we know they are all going to do so well!

Stella's puppies are three weeks old!

We’ve made it to the three-week milestone! And this is when it starts getting really fun. They are eyes wide open and up on all fours a lot more often these days! They will be introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training this week!

And while they will miss the litter box a few more times than they make it, this is a huge step in development for these little puppies! By this time next week, they’ll be way more confident in their step and will be able to give momma’s milk bar a break a little more often.

Stella is getting a little more “me time” this week as the feedings get a little further in between and we think she’s earned it! These puppies are HUGE and chunky already.

Cindy Lou's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are already 2 weeks old! Time sure does fly when you sleep most of the day! And of course, you know we mean for the puppies! We don’t sleep quite as much in the early days, but the puppies get enough for all of us.

They were a bit perky today for their shoot and most of them are enjoying the new sights! Ryder isn’t quite sure. He is on the fence! Just kidding, his second eye is slowly opening up too!

They are doing amazing and Cindy is always snuggling close. Not to mention the kiddos, who are also filling in cuddles and giving Cindy a potty break here and there.


Stella's puppies are two weeks old!

These babies are slowly opening their eyes as we grow right into our two-week milestone! Not only is this a big week because they are seeing a whole new site and opening up a new sensory milestone, but they are also toddling around pretty good these days. Mostly to just make a puppy pile or find momma Stella, but all in all, they stay pretty happy!

They are still mostly eating, sleeping, and pooping, but also are spending a little time in the arms of Oliver and Margot, who are whispering sweet little oohs and awes in their ears.

Kimi's puppies have been allocated!

These three pups have been allocated to their forever homes! And we can hardly wait to introduce them to their new families. It’s honestly our favourite part!