Barbie's puppies are 2 weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are two weeks old today and aren’t they just dreamy!!! We are so in love with them and all their little cuddles. Their markings are just stunning, and we are in awe of them! As you can see, their eyes are slowly starting to open, and they are getting a little (overwhelming) glimpse of the world!

Luna's puppies are heading home to their forever homes this weekend!

Luna's puppies are heading home!


Luna's puppies are heading home! 🐾

We just wanted to take a moment to congrats our adorable Luna litter puppies who are heading to their forever homes. Our families have been oh so patient for this day and we can’t wait to introduce them to their new fur members this weekend. It’s our favorite part!

Kimi's puppies are one week old!

Kimi's puppies are one week old!

Happy one week to these sweet little angels! They are doing amazing and are getting a lot of rest. Momma Kimi is keeping their little bellies full and warm. They are spending their days cuddling together and napping! Week one is a huge time for these pups developmentally, and well, the world can be pretty exhausting when you are meeting it for the first time!

Barbie's puppies are officially 1 week old!

These gorgeous babies have made it to their one week old mark and we couldn’t be more proud of them and their momma, Miss Barbie! She’s such a great mom, is always cuddling close and taking care of these little cuties. They are doing great! They spend most of their day eating, sleeping, and cuddling and mom is with them every step of the way!

Luna's puppies are six weeks old!

These babies have reached their 6-week milestone! You know what that means right? We are one week away from finding out the perfect puppy match for each one of their new forever families! It also means we are taking many notes on each temperament and personality to prepare for our temperament testing. It’s an exciting time for these little pups and we can’t wait to let our families know who is going to be coming home with them in a couple of weeks.

Luna's puppies are five weeks old today!

These babes are officially five weeks old and LOVING the big outdoors these days! They’ve even got quite the obstacle course to romp around in. Check out our instagram for cute little videos of them playing outside. Their little personalities are starting to shine through even more these days and we are having an absolute blast.

Momma Luna is too as she is really enjoying more “me” time as the puppies are a bit more independent these days with their puppy kibble. Don’t worry though, she is always got her ears up to listen out for them and pops in for a quick cuddle when they need it.

Luna's puppies are four weeks old!

Halfway home!


Halfway home! 🐾

These babes are officially at their halfway home mark, and boy, are they every beautiful? And their temperaments are just as sweet as they are adorable. Today, we couldn’t take them away from the sweet snuggles, so we had to capture them during the cuddles with Margot and Ollie!

Luna's puppies are three weeks old!

Well, it’s been an absolute joy with these pups so far. They are pretty content little pups, especially since their momma is always close and making sure they have all they need to be happy. Their belly’s are full, their eyes are wide open and they are the chillest bundle of pups you could ask for. All they want is some milk in between naps and each other and they are pretty darn set.

This is a big week for them because they will be introduced to their litter box, their softened kibble, and fresh water! This is just one more step in development for them as they begin to get a little more independent in the next few weeks.

Luna's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous pups are already 2 weeks old and so, so sweet! We’re in love with their colours, and of course their cuddles and sweet little puppy noises. They are very content these days and spend most of their time napping and eating, and also just piling on top of one another and mommy too. Their eyes are most open now and they are moving around really well - especially when it comes to meal times!

Maya's puppies are heading home this weekend!

These gorgeous puppies are heading home this weekend and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce each and every one of them to their new forever families and watch the bond of a lifetime begin. This is honestly our favorite part of the whole process of what we do here! Congrats to all of our families and puppies for finding one another in this big world!

Cindy Lou's puppies are heading home this weekend!

Heading Home


Heading Home 🏠

These gorgeous puppies are officially heading to their forever homes in a few days and we couldn’t be more excited for the big day! This is honestly our favorite day every because we get to watch the bond of a lifetime begin and it’s pure magic in the air that day.

Maya's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are getting cuter (and sweeter) by the day. They have such nice temperaments and are showing their personality a little more each day. We’ve been taking a lot of notes to gear up for our temperament testing next week! Until then, you can find the puppies (and us) enjoying the sunshine!

Stella's puppies have been allocated!

These gorgeous puppies have officially been allocated to their forever families and we couldn’t be more pleased with how they matched up to each of their families! We’ve been working hard on crate training, whistle recall, and these pups will be more than ready to meet their families in a few days.

Maya's puppies are five weeks

These puppies are five weeks old and officially entering junior puppy hood! Yup, they’ve pretty much got the hang of being big pups this week and we are seeing those sweet little personalities come out and shine as big as the summer sun. We are IN LOVE!!!!

Cindy Lou's puppies are six weeks old!

These pups are officially 6 weeks old! Can you believe it?! Neither can we. They will be gearing up for temperament testing by this time next week and we will be able to officially allocate each pup to the family that they matched best with. We know this is what we’ve all be waiting for and we are so excited that the wait is ALMOST over!!!

These pups are enjoying the grand outdoors in the meantime,. They are heading to the vet for their well check next Tuesday and will be socializing lots until the day they go home.

Stella's puppies are six weeks old!

It’s been a week full of sunshine, lots of fresh water, and exploring the yard for these puppies. By this time next week, we will be well into temperament testing and figuring out which puppy matches best for each and every family. I can tell already it’s going to be a FUN day learning more about each of these cuties individually, how they react in new settings, with new people, and I can’t wait to get to know each on of their personalities a bit better.

Now at this time, you may be like, “But you are with them all the time! You probably know more than you think!” And while that is true, these puppies are a whole different puppy when they don’t have their siblings around or someone they know and are comfortable with. It’s through this testing series where we understand how confident they really are, how outgoing, resilient, what their motivation is for following you around, and so, so much more. It’s a really fun day and the best part is looking at all those tests and deciding which family will be their forever home. You can read all about our testing method here too!

Maya's puppies are four weeks old!

Welp, these pups have made it to their halfway home mark and we couldn’t be more proud of their progress on the potty training! They are definitely getting the hang of this puppyhood thing and have a little more energy to start showing signs of their little personalities. To say we are in LOVE is a total understatement.

Cindy Lou's puppies are five weeks old!

It’s official! These pups have graduated into junior puppyhood and are loving every single minute of it. They are enjoying the great outdoors in small doses (because wow, it’s hot) and are getting a lot of romp time in the house with the kiddos in between naps. We are in love with their personalities, which are shining through a little more each day.

Stella's puppies are five weeks old!

Welcome to junior puppyhood! These guys are finally starting to show big signs about their personalities and we can honestly say they are the cutest little personalities ever.

Some highlights: Rooster prefers to sleep in the food bowl or simply walk through it for fun, Carole is our most curious girl and is a real go-getter, Maverick is a little shy, Penny may be littlest, but she has the biggest voice when she wants a cuddle and thinks you are ignoring her. Mary is our chill, go with the flow gal who is usually just watching the world around her (also best at staring contest). Phoenix is the most social (Carole coming in 2nd here), Sarah is very happy go lucky, but also pretty much down to cuddle at any point in the day. (They mostly all are down to cuddle, but Sarah just goes right for an upside-down, on her back, rub-my-belly kind of snuggle position). And then there is our sweet little Charlotte, who is a little shy and quiet, but give the sweetest little nose kisses anyone could ask for.

Now these qualities will change every single day as they get exposed to more and more new things over the coming weeks. They’ve officially adventured outdoors this week and that was a HUGE change for them. They will continue to meet a few more people here and there, explore new territory, and develop out their confidence with every week that passes.

Maya's puppies are three weeks old!

Maya's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy three weeks to these sweet little puppies! They are officially eyes wide open and finally have the energy to explore all the new things they are seeing these days. Lots of naps in between of course. They are officially getting introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training this week and we know they are going to NAIL IT…eventually! By this time next week, they will be well on their way to being puppy pros.