Cindy Lou's puppies are four weeks old!

Cindy Lou's puppies are four weeks old!

Halfway home!


Halfway home! 🐾

These gorgeous puppies have made it to their halfway home milestone! Yup, we can hardly believe it ourselves. Time goes by fast when you spend your days cuddling with puppies. These pups are doing well with potty training and eating their softened kibble, though they still like momma’s milk. Cindy is getting a little longer stretches of “me time” and we think she might be enjoying the extra quiet time here and there.

We are so proud of them and they are pretty proud of themselves too. It’s getting a little more fun and rowdy here too, as the puppies have a little more energy to play throughout the day!


Stella's puppies are four weeks old!

It’s official! These pups have reached their halfway home mark! That means in just 4 weeks, we will be introducing their pups to their forever family and we can hardly way for the big day. In the meantime, these pups will be growing more and more independent over the next couple of weeks. They are nailing potty training already, love their soften kibble, and when they aren’t learning how to be a full grown pup, they can be found in a full blown puppy nap pile.

We will be taking them outside for the very first time this week and we will make sure to keep you updating with some behind the scenes footage on our Instagram! Speaking of behind the scenes footage, you can check out our litter update on Insta right over here.


Maya's puppies are two weeks old!


Maya's puppies are two weeks old!

Maya's puppies are two weeks old!


Maya's puppies are two weeks old! 🐾

They are getting cuter by the day, aren’t they?! They are mostly napping these days and are beginning to open their eyes a little more. It was a day full of sunshine in their photoshoot, so they were falling asleep in our hands for the whole thing! Maya is doing amazing and we couldn’t ask for a better momma to these puppies.


Cindy Lou's puppies are three weeks old!


Cindy Lou's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy Three Weeks!


Happy Three Weeks! 🐾

Can you believe it’s been three weeks already? These babes are eyes wide open and ready to explore the big world around them, though, in small doses because the whole wide world can be pretty exhausting for a young pup. Oh, and they are being introduced to their softened kibble, fresh water, and litter box this week! They won’t quite know what to do with that just yet, but they get into pretty quickly. Cindy is still staying close by to keep an eye on things and make sure their chubby bodies are warm and their bellies are full.



Stella's puppies are three weeks old!

Can you believe these gorgeous pups are already three weeks old?! How did that happen. Can you tell which pups had just finished eating? A few of them had to take a snack break from today’s photo shoot and came back so sleepy they couldn’t even hold up those cute little heads.

We are in love them them so much and the kids are cuddling with each individual puppy every single day, so they are getting a lot of love and experiencing new things all of the time. This week is actually a pretty big one because they will be introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even begin litter box training! Yup, they are that smart. A lot will be happening over the next week or two, as the pups will learn the meanings of various postures and the affect it has on their mother and littermates. They will also begin exploring what barking and other vocalizations mean and finding their voices.


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Maya's puppies are officially one week old!

These gorgeous puppies have reached their week one milestone and we are so proud of each and every one of them. Included miss momma Maya! She is such a great mommy to these babes and keeps them warm and keeps their bellies full. We haven’t had many chocolates in a while and its so fun to see them in a little again. By this time next week, they will be well on their way to opening their eyes and their bellies will be a whole lot chubbier!

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Cindy Lou's puppies are two weeks old!

These puppies had the sweetest and sleepiest photo session today to celebrate reaching their two week milestone and we have to say…THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE! This little is actually a bit darker in colourings than Cindy’s past litters and we are in love with each and every little marking.

They will start opening their eyes this week and start getting a peak at the whole wide world. In small doses of course because the world is pretty big and a pup can only take in so much.


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Stella's puppies are two weeks old!

It’s a real Top Gun kind of litter! Get it? We’ve named these gorgeous puppies after Top Gun characters from both movies and we’re pretty impressed we were able to find 6 girl names from a male dominated movie! These cuties have reached their two week milestone and we are soooo in love with them already.

Stella is an incredible momma and is always close by! We know the temperaments are going to be incredible in this litter because Stella and Ziggy are both such wonderful, sweet, friendly dogs and we couldn’t ask for a better duo to make a litter as beautiful as this.

Their eyes are starting to open a little more each day and they are still napping a good part of the day, between milk sessions and getting cleaned up by momma.

Are you in love with this litter as much as we are? Drop a comment below and let us know.

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Fanny's puppies have been allocated!

That’s right! These puppies have been allocated to their forever families are heading home this weekend and we couldn’t be more excited to finally introduce them to their new family. This is our favorite part!

Libby's puppies have been allocated!

These babies have officially been allocated to their new forever families and we can’t wait to introduce them this weekend. This is honestly our favorite part of the whole process and why we do what we do here.

The bonds that begin on pick-up day where we see families and their puppy connect for the first time, happy tears, and a lot of wiggly bums is a moment that we hold on to forever. Congrats to all of our families and all of our puppies and we can’t wait for the weekend to come!

Libby's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous parti pups were posing well for us today on their six week milestone! Aren’t they the absolute cutest with those markings? We are so happy to get to know them more each day as their personalities are shining through big time these days.

We are already taking a ton of notes to prepare for temperament testing next week and we can’t wait to see how they do and, more importantly, see which family matches best with each of them.

Fanny's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are six weeks old and absolutely lovin’ the puppy lifestyle. They are full of energy and are wiggling theirs bums 100% of the time they are awake. We are just one week away from temperament testing and are beginning to take a lot of notes these days as we prepare for their big day!

Libby's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are already 5 weeks old and having an absolute blast. They are pretty excited to explore the grand outdoors with all this nice weather. They are officially in “junior puppyhood” and showing more of their personality each day.

We are in lovvvve with this age because they are quite playful and perky and always a bundle of joy from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. We still can’t believe how gorgeous their colouring is!

Fanny's puppies are five weeks old!

Welp, it’s official! These little pups are in what we like to refer to as Junior Puppyhood. They are nailing potty training, loving’ their kibble, finally growing into those legs and knowing how they work (most of the time), and they are showing off more of their personality each day. It’s a whole lot of fun here these days and we are absolutely, pawsitively in love with these babies.

Libby's puppies are four weeks old!

It’s time for a PARTI because it’s officially the halfway home point for these gorgeous puppies and we couldn’t be more excited for them!

They are growing a whole lot these days, are almost nailing potty training with the litter box, and giving mom plenty of “me time” now that they are getting a little more independent from the milk bar and enjoying their softened kibble.

This is when it starts to get reallllly fun around here as their personalities start peaking out a little more each day.

Fanny's puppies are four weeks old!

These babies have officially reached their halfway home milestone! That’s right, only 4 weeks until they are introduced to their forever families for the very first time and the bond of a lifetime starts to form.

These little babes had a BIG week, as they were introduced to the great outdoors for the very first time. It officially feels spring enough for a puppy to go outside for a little bit and that is such a fun day for them developmentally!

They are getting the hang of that litter box, but still “miss the mark” here and there. They LOVE their softened kibble and are giving mom more breaks each and every day as they get a little more independent.

Libby's puppies are three weeks old!

These pups are already at their three week milestone! Can you believe it? They are doing amazing, have their eyes wide open this week, are being introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and are gearing up to start litter box training. They still have a ways to go before they’ll get the hang of it, but this week is huge for them!

Momma is doing amazing and still cuddling close by, but they are going to be getting a tiny bit more independent each and every day.

We are in love with their unique markings and can’t wait to see how they continue to grow out over the next few weeks.

Fanny's puppies are three weeks old!

These gorgeous babes are starting to have a whole lot of fun around here, in between naps of course! They are officially three weeks old, which is a HUGE week around here.

Not only are they eyes wide open now, they are also being introduced to softened puppy kibble, fresh water, and litter box training. They will still prefer momma’s milk for a couple weeks still, but they will start getting the hang of this thing called puppy hood soon.

Libby's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are two weeks old and are beginning to open their eyes. The world is pretty big, so they like to keep them closed as much as possible, but they are getting more curious after each nap!

They are still sleeping, eating, and cuddling with each other and momma these days, but by this time next week, they will start getting used to standing up on all four legs and begin toddling about.

They will also be introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training. They are growing so fast, so try not to blink!

Fanny's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies have reached their 2 week milestone! That’s right, they are eyes wide open, or more like eyes trying to open wide this week. They grow really quickly and need a lot of rest these days, so they are still mostly napping the days away with momma, eating on demand, and cuddling close.

They sure are cute though, aren’t they? It’s hard to believe by this time next week they will be toddling around, being introduced to softened kibble, and even litter box training.