Little Jo's puppies are two weeks old!

Little Jo's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous pups are already two weeks old and so, so sweet! We’re in love with their colours and, of course, their cuddles and sweet little puppy noises. They are very content these days and spend most of their time napping and eating, and also just piling on top of one another and mommy too. Their eyes are most open now, and they are moving around really well - especially when it comes to meal times!’

Let your friends and family know that we have two puppies available, as we were totally surprised that ten puppies arrived!

Little Jo's puppies are one week old!

Little Jo's puppies are one week old!

These babies are already one week old! Time goes pretty fast for these puppies since they sleep ALL OF THE TIME, essentially!

The first week is a pretty exhausting one for them because the world is quite a big place. They spend their day eating, sleeping, and pooping. They wriggle around to get as close to each other and momma as possible because they love a warm place to cuddle.

Let your friends and family know that we have 2 puppies available, as we were totally surprised that 10 puppies arrived!

Dot's puppies are heading home this weekend!

These gorgeous puppies have officially nailed their temperament test and been matched with their forever families! We are so proud of this litter and we can’t wait to introduce these puppies to their forever families this weekend and watch the bond of a lifetime begin. It’s one of our favorite parts of the whole process and a day full of wiggly bums and happy tears!

Kimi's puppies are heading home this weekend!

We just want to give a big congrats to our puppies and their new families! We can’t wait to introduce you this weekend and watch the bond of a lifetime begin. This is our favourite part because its a day full of smiles, wiggly bums, and happy tears as we give each family their new family member.

Dot's puppies are six weeks old!

And these gorgeous pups are looking so darn dapper in their 6 weeks photo shoot! They are officially Jr. Puppies now, and are feeling pretty confident in themselves these days.

They are such a sweet, gentle litter and we couldn’t be more in love with their personalities. Lots of cuddles happening in between romps about in the kitchen.

We are gearing up for temperament testing next Sunday and that will be the day we find out which family each puppy matched best with and will share the good news with our families.

Barbie's puppies are heading home!

Congrats to these gorgeous parti pups and to their new forever families! It’s going to be a bit weekend full of introductions and we can’t wait to watch the bond begin!

Dot's puppies are five weeks old!

These gorgeous pups are 5 weeks old and pretty much pros at this whole puppyhood thing. They are full of energy these days and we are spending a lot of time romping around the house, with a ton of cuddles in between. We are in love with their personalities that are starting to peek through a little more each day.

Kimi's puppies are six weeks old!

Happy belated Halloween from Kimi’s pups! They are 6 weeks old and really digging the whole puppyhood thing these days. They are romping around a ton, are showing so much personality, and really just having the time of their life as we ramp up for temperament testing next week! It’s going to be a fun week ahead for us for sure.

Dot's puppies are four weeks old!

These puppies have reached their HALFWAY home milestone! That’s right. In just 4 weeks, they will be introduced to their forever families and the bond of a lifetime will begin. They are doing amazing these days, are almost nailing the whole eating big puppy food and using the litter box (almost) regularly.

They are still going back and forth between mom’s milk and their softened kibble though, but are needing momma a little less each day. And boy, is momma Dot enjoying the extra me time here and there! This is when it starts to get really fun around the house because the pups have a bit more energy to romp around and explore. By the time next week, they will be Jr. Puppies, but, of course, thinking their pros!

Barbie's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous parti pups are 6 weeks old and basically full-grown puppy pros now. They’ve weaned from momma (mostly), though she is always close by to keep an eye on things. They are one week away from the big temperament testing day, where we will test each puppy individually through various scenarios to see how they respond.

This includes being in an unfamiliar place, with a stranger and with their whelper. We will use items they haven’t experienced before, like an umbrella, a tin of coins, a loud, silly toy and even aluminum foil. All of these pieces will give us an idea of their confidence, resiliency, and what they are most sensitive to, and it will also tell us more about which family they should be placed with!

Kimi's puppies are five weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are basically pros now! They have got this whole puppy life figured right out and we couldn’t be having more fun over here. They are officially (mostly) potty trained, eating and drinking well, and a bit more independent now. They had a totally blast in the snow for the first time for a little while too.

Dot's puppies are three weeks old!

These puppies are eyes wide open now and are more alert every single day. They are figuring out how to get around on those legs too, but aren’t quite sure how to make them work together with their little chubby bellies. They are such sweet puppies and are starting get a little more playful.

This week is a HUGE one developmentally because we’re introducing them to softened kibble, fresh water, and even the litter box! And while they won’t know what in the world to do with those just yet, by this time next week they are be well on their way to being pros!

Barbie's puppies are five weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are five weeks old and ready to parti now! They are basically full grown pups these days and are eating well, using the litter box (almost) always, and are giving mom a bit more “me” time. We are just obsessed with their markings and each and every pup is so unique and beautiful. They are have such sweet and fun personalities and we are getting to know them a little more each day.

Kimi's puppies are four weeks old!

These gorgeous pups have officially made it to their halfway home milestone! Their personalities are really starting too shine through right now, and they are even really practicing having BIG voices. They enjoyed the warmer weather and romping around during the photo shoot today too. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, they are acing the whole potty training and eating fresh kibble thing. We’re couldn’t be more proud of them!

Dot's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies made it to their 2 week milestone! They are starting to open their eyes and are getting a little glimpse of the world around them. But the world is a bit overwhelming for brand new eyes, so they are still napping a ton each day, in between eating and finding the perfect spot to cuddle in. By this time next week, they will have their eyes wide open and be moving around a little more, using all fours!

Barbie's puppies are four weeks old!

These gorgeous pups have reached their halfway home milestone! And aren’t they cute?! This is when it starts getting really fun with puppies because their personalities start to peek through and they are a lot more playful at this stage!

Kimi's puppies are three weeks old!

Kimi's puppies are three weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies have officially reached their 3 week milestone! Their eyes are wide open and they are getting around pretty good these days, as they figure out what those legs do.

They are very cuddly and still spend their days napping and eating a ton, but the next week will be a huge one for them developmentally. They will be introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even the litter box. They won’t quite know what to do with all of those just yet, but they will be well on their way to figuring out this time next week. All in all, these are getting pretty fun around here!

Barbie's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy three weeks to these gorgeous parti pups! And when we say parti, we mean these guys are really starting to liven up. Their eyes are wide open, they are toddling about on all fours, and figuring out how to make those little legs work to get them where they want to go. This is one of our favourite stages because it is 100% the cutest thing to watch.

They will officially get introduced to their softened kibble, fresh water, and litter box training this week, and while they won’t know what to do with those just yet, they will be well on their way to pros by next week.

Dot's puppies are one week old!

These gorgeous pups are just 1 weeks old today! And boy, aren’t they the sweetest little litter you’ve seen? Their days are mostly full of cuddles, and snacking in between big naps. Dot has been an incredible first time mommy and is always close by to make sure their tummies are full and they are content. Next week we will introduce them individually.

Kimi's puppies are 2 weeks old!

Kimi's puppies are 2 weeks old!

Can you smell fall in the air?! The puppies sure can! We let them explore the sights and sounds of the fall season for a little mini photo session and we’d say they aren’t quite sure what to make of it yet. They napped sooo hard after the photo shoot too!

They are doing amazing, growing so fast and they’ve got one amazing momma. It’s hard to believe by this time next week, these babes will be introduced to softened kibble and potty training.