Barbies puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are two weeks old and are beginning to open their eyes. The world is pretty big, so they like to keep them closed as much as possible, but they are getting more curious after each nap!

They are still sleeping, eating, and cuddling with each other and momma these days, but by this time next week, they will start getting used to standing up on all four legs and begin toddling about.

They will also be introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training. They are growing so fast, so try not to blink!

Lulubeans puppies are heading home soon!

We just wanted to take a moment to congrats our adorable Lulu Bean puppies who are heading to their forever homes.

Our families have been oh so patient for this day, and we can’t wait to introduce them to their new fur members this weekend. It’s our favourite part!

Lulubean's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous puppies are six weeks old and absolutely lovin’ the puppy lifestyle.

They are full of energy and are wiggling their bums 100% of the time they are awake.

We are just one week away from temperament testing and are beginning to take a lot of notes these days as we prepare for their big day!

Lulubean's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are already 5 weeks old and having an absolute blast. They are pretty excited to explore the grand outdoors with all this nice weather. They are officially in “junior puppyhood” and showing more of their personality each day.

We are in lovvvve with this age because they are quite playful and perky and always a bundle of joy from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. We still can’t believe how gorgeous their colouring is!

Lulu beans puppies are four weeks old!

Welp, these pups have made it to their halfway home mark and we couldn’t be more proud of their progress on the potty training! They are definitely getting the hang of this puppyhood thing and have a little more energy to start showing signs of their little personalities. To say we are in LOVE is a total understatement.

Dutchess's puppies are heading home this weekend!

These gorgeous puppies have officially nailed their temperament test and been matched with their forever families! We are so proud of this litter, and we can’t wait to introduce these puppies to their forever families this weekend and watch the bond of a lifetime begin.

It’s one of our favourite parts of the whole process and a day full of wiggly bums and happy tears!

Lulubean's puppies are three weeks old!

Well, it’s been an absolute joy with these pups so far. They are pretty content little pups, especially since their momma is always close and ensuring they have all they need to be happy.

Their bellies are full, their eyes are wide open, and they are the chillest bundle of pups you could ask for. All they want is some milk in between naps and each other, and they are pretty darn set.

This is a big week because they will be introduced to their litter box, softened kibble, and freshwater! This is just one more step in development for them as they begin to get a little more independent in the next few weeks.

Lulubean's puppies are two weeks old!

Lulubean's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous pups are already 2 weeks old and so, so sweet! We’re in love with their colours, and of course their cuddles and sweet little puppy noises.

They are very content these days and spend most of their time napping and eating, and also just piling on top of one another and mommy too.

Their eyes are most open now and they are moving around really well - especially when it comes to meal times!

Dutchess's puppies are six weeks old!

These gorgeous pups were posing well for us today on their six week milestone!

Aren’t they the absolute cutest with those markings? We are so happy to get to know them more each day as their personalities are shining through big time these days.

We are already taking a ton of notes to prepare for temperament testing next week and we can’t wait to see how they do and, more importantly, see which family matches best with each of them.

Lulubean's puppies are one week old!

These gorgeous pups are just 1 weeks old today! And boy, aren’t they the sweetest little litter you’ve seen Their days are mostly full of cuddles and snacking (in between really big naps) of course. We’re swooninnnng.

Lulubean is doing amazing and is always close by to make sure their tummies are full and they are content!

Dutchess's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are already 5 weeks old and having an absolute blast. They are pretty excited to explore the grand outdoors with all this nice weather. They are officially in “junior puppyhood” and showing more of their personality each day.

We are in lovvvve with this age because they are quite playful and perky and always a bundle of joy from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. We still can’t believe how gorgeous their colouring is!

Dutchess's puppies are four weeks old!

Welp, these pups have made it to their halfway home mark and we couldn’t be more proud of their progress on the potty training! They are definitely getting the hang of this puppyhood thing and have a little more energy to start showing signs of their little personalities. To say we are in LOVE is a total understatement.

Dutchess's puppies are three weeks old!

These gorgeous babes are starting to have a whole lot of fun around here, in between naps of course! They are officially three weeks old, which is a HUGE week around here.

Not only are they eyes wide open now, they are also being introduced to softened puppy kibble, fresh water, and litter box training. They will still prefer momma’s milk for a couple weeks still, but they will start getting the hang of this thing called puppy hood soon.

Dutchess's puppies are two weeks old!

Welp, these babies have officially made it to their two-week milestone and they are eyes wide open now! Well, almost open. The world is a big, mysterious place for a new puppy, so they are getting a lot of rest in between glimpses of the world around them.

Luckily, the world around them right now is a cozy bed with their mommy. Oh, and those big people that cuddle with them every day of course! Each day is a huge day in development for puppies at this age and by this time next week, they will be introduced to softened kibble.

Dutchess's puppies are one week old!

Dutchess's puppies are one week old!

These gorgeous puppies are officially one week old and are doing amazing! They are little chunksters and get all the milk they can. Dutchess is such a wonderful first-time momma and is always making sure their bellies are full, and they are cuddled close. We’re definitely enjoying puppy snuggles again.

Any guesses on their litter theme?

Little Jo's puppies are heading home soon!

We just wanted to take a moment to congrats our adorable Little Jo litter puppies who are heading to their forever homes. Our families have been oh so patient for this day and we can’t wait to introduce them to their new fur members this weekend. It’s our favorite part!

Little Jo's puppies are six weeks old!

These babies have reached their 6-week milestone! You know what that means right? We are one week away from finding out the perfect puppy match for each one of their new forever families!

It also means we are taking many notes on each temperament and personality to prepare for our temperament testing. It’s an exciting time for these little pups and we can’t wait to let our families know who is going to be coming home with them in a couple of weeks.

Little Jo's puppies are five weeks old!

Congrats to these pups for reaching the five weeks old milestone. These puppies have made it all the way to “think they are much bigger than they actually are” town. They are so playful, happy, bundles of joy right now and this is when it starts getting really fun!

They’ve are officially LOVING life and have got the hang of puppyhood now. Little Jo is able to take a lot more time to herself these days. She is always close by, but we think we is enjoying this stage a lot too.

Little Jo's puppies are four weeks old!

It’s officially a New Year and we were so lucky to ring it in with the sweetest cuddles one could ask for!

These babies have officially reached their halfway home milestone! That’s right, only 4 weeks until they are introduced to their forever families for the very first time and the bond of a lifetime starts to form.

They are getting the hang of that litter box training, but still “miss the mark” here and there. They LOVE their softened kibble and are giving mom more breaks each and every day as they get a little more independent.

Due to Little Jo having more puppies than we expected, we still have a couple of spots open in this litter plan, so if you know of anyone wanting a new pup this year, send them our way to apply!

Little Jo's puppies are three weeks old!

These pups are already at their three week milestone! Can you believe it? They are doing amazing, have their eyes wide open this week, are being introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and are gearing up to start litter box training. They still have a ways to go before they’ll get the hang of it, but this week is huge for them!

Momma is doing amazing and still cuddling close by, but they are going to be getting a tiny bit more independent each and every day.

It’s been a sweet, slow holiday season here full of cuddles and soft little kisses.

Just a reminder that we have two spots available on this litter plan, so if you know anyone who is searching for a new puppy, send them our way!