Dutchess's puppies are one week old!

These gorgeous pups are just 1 weeks old today! And boy, aren’t they the sweetest little litter you’ve seen? Their days are mostly full of cuddles, and snacking in between big naps. Dutchess has been an incredible mommy and is always close by to make sure their tummies are full and they are content.

Frannie's puppies are heading home!

Our little Frannie pups are all grown up! They’ve been allocated to their new forever homes and are heading there this weekend! It’s been an absolute blast with this litter and we are going to miss this so much when they leave, but it is soooo worth it.

Our favorite part of all we do here are Prairie Doodles is introducing our wonderful families to their new puppy. There are so many smiles, wagging tails, and happy tears and it is truly wonderful to see.

Frannie's puppies are six weeks old!

And the countdown is officially ON!!!

These puppies are so alert and active these days! They’ve spent a lot of their week going outside to play in the sunshine and they are romping around the house with the kiddos on those chilly mornings.

We’re getting to know their personalities a little more each day and are already taking a lot of notes as we prepare for temperament testing and allocations this coming week.

We know that our Frannie family’s can hardly wait and neither can we!

Frannie's puppies are five weeks old!

These puppies are five whole weeks old already! Their personalities are really shining through. They are getting to go outside for the first time this week and it’s a big deal developmentally with all the new sights and sounds and textures. They are going to love it!

Frannie's puppies are four weeks old!

These beauties have reached their half way to home milestone! That’s right, they are almost full grown puppies! How did that happen? They are getting the hang of puppyhood though. They love their softened kibble, fresh water, and are even (mostly) nailing the litter box training.

Frannie is getting a bit more time to herself these days too! She is still always close by for cuddles and to top off their mealtime with a little milk, but she is enjoying more “me time” these days.

The pups are also getting much more playtime in with the kiddos these days, which they LOVE! They are exploring new sounds, textures on flooring, and soaking up all the cuddles and as many mini romps around the house as they can get.

Frannie's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy three weeks to these sweet little puppies! They are officially eyes wide open and finally have the energy to explore all the new things they are seeing these days. Lots of naps in between of course.

They are officially getting introduced to softened kibble, fresh water, and even litter box training this week and we know they are going to NAIL IT…eventually! By this time next week, they will be well on their way to being puppy pros.

Frannie's puppies are two weeks old!

These gorgeous pups are already 2 weeks old and so, so sweet! We’re in love with their colours, and of course their cuddles and sweet little puppy noises.

They are very content these days and spend most of their time napping and eating, and also just piling on top of one another and mommy too. Their eyes are mostly open now and they’re moving around really well on all fours, especially when it comes to meal times or finding the best nap spot.

Frannie's puppies are officially one week old!

Meet Frannie’s Puppies! (And yes, they are the Ted Lasso theme.) These babies are already one week old! Time goes pretty fast for these puppies since they sleep ALL the TIME!

The first week is a pretty exhausting one for them because the world is quite a big place.

They spend their day eating, sleeping, and pooping. They wriggle around to get as close to each other and momma as possible because they love a warm place to cuddle.

Ginny's puppies are heading home this weekend!

These gorgeous puppies are heading home to their forever families this weekend and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce them to each of their families. This is the best part for us because we get to see all the magic and love that starts forming from the moment we put their puppy into their arms for the first time.

It’s a day full of wiggly bums, wagging tails, and happy tears!

Ginny's puppies are six weeks old!

These babes are six weeks old already! They totally have the hang of being a big puppy. They almost don’t need mama’s milk bar anymore and have switched over to real-life puppy chow! Oh, and potty training is pretty much there already with the wooden pellets!

They are having a blast right now, bouncing around in those cool, breezy mornings and basically doing a good ol’ fashion puppy pile on us every day! They’ve even got the hang of their voice (bark) LOL!

By this time next week, our families will know which puppy tested perfect for them! We’ve been taking a lot of notes to prepare for allocations!

Barbie's puppies are heading home this weekend!

Congrats to these gorgeous parti pups and to their new forever families! It’s going to be a bit weekend full of introductions and we can’t wait to watch the bond begin!

Ginny's puppies are five weeks old!

These babies are already five weeks old, and aren’t they the most gorgeous pups ever?! We are so in love with their different colours and markings. This litter is such a sweet one too.

They are all very happy, calm, and cuddly pups. They are also doing amazing at eating like big pups now, though they still like a little milk from momma here and there. And they have potty training nailed down too!

Ginny's puppies are four weeks old!

These gorgeous pups have reached their halfway home milestone! Four weeks old is a huge week for the puppies.

They are developing more independence as they get used to eating softened kibble, drinking fresh water, and starting to use the litter box. Ginny is getting more breaks these days, but she stays close by to top their chunky bellies off with some warm milk if they are whining for you.

They have a bit more energy these days and aren’t quite sure what to do with it! Their bodies are a bit bigger than their head, and their legs haven’t quite caught up yet because they are growing so fast.

We always giggle at this stage because it’s such an awkward time in their growth. Think Grade 2 photos! Haha. We love them so much already and are excited to see their personalities start shining through.

Barbie's puppies are six weeks old!

How did that happen?! These cuties are just one week shy of temperament testing, which is when we test them individually in new and familiar settings, with a stranger, as well as the person who has handled them most! We will get a little snapshot into their personalities and learn all about their confidence, resilience, and energy levels, as well as what motivates them the most for training.

Any guesses on the best motivators for a labradoodle?

It’s PRAISE! Some are swayed by the treats we use, but most of our puppies are praise-motivated. This makes for a super loyal pup who will be your best sidekick for life. Treats are still appreciated, though! LOL.

They are ace-ing puppyhood too! They love their softened kibble, drinking freshwater (and playing in it), and even potty training! We couldn’t be prouder of these pups!

Ginny's puppies are three weeks old!

These babes reached a really big milestone this week. They not only have more energy for a little playtime in the living room with the kiddos, but they are also starting their fresh water, softened kibble, and litter training this week.

This helps mom and pups both get a little more independence and support the growth happening over the next few weeks!

Barbie's puppies are five weeks old!

These puppies are five weeks old and ready to take on the world! They’ve been spending a lot of time romping around the house and also falling asleep wherever they may feel like it, which takes the game “Hide and Seek” to a whole other level! LOL!

We are just loving these pups to pieces. They are also so sweet and full of cuddles. We couldn’t be more happy with this litter!

Ginny's puppies are two weeks old!

They are getting cuter by the day, aren’t they?! They are mostly napping these days and are beginning to open their eyes a little more. It was a day full of sunshine in their photoshoot, so they were falling asleep throughout the whole thing!

Ginny is doing amazing and we couldn’t ask for a better momma to these puppies.

Barbie's puppies are four weeks old!

Barbie's puppies are four weeks old!

These puppies have reached their HALFWAY home milestone! That’s right. In just 4 weeks, they will be introduced to their forever families and the bond of a lifetime will begin. They are doing amazing these days, they are almost nailing the whole, eating big puppy food and using the litter box (almost) regularly.

They are still going back and forth between mom’s milk and their softened kibble, though, but are needing momma a little less each day.

And Barbie is enjoying the extra me time here and there! This is when it starts to get really fun around the house because the pups have a bit more energy to romp around and explore. By the time next week, they will be Jr. Puppies, but, of course, thinking their pros!

Ginny's puppies are one week old!

These babies are already one week old! Time goes pretty fast for these puppies since they sleep ALL OF THE TIME, essentially! The first week is a pretty exhausting one for them because the world is quite a big place.

They spend their day eating, sleeping, and pooping. They wriggle around to get as close to each other and momma as possible because they love a warm place to cuddle.

Barbie's puppies are three weeks old!

Happy three weeks to these gorgeous parti pups! And when we say parti, we mean these guys are really starting to liven up.

Their eyes are wide open, they are toddling about on all fours, and figuring out how to make those little legs work to get them where they want to go. This is one of our favourite stages because it is 100% the cutest thing to watch.

They will officially get introduced to their softened kibble, fresh water, and litter box training this week, and while they won’t know what to do with those just yet, they will be well on their way to pros by next week.